From the Deluge, 2017; acrylic & nylon thread on canvas.
WHAT on EARTH has ART got to DO with CLIMATE CHANGE?' is a panel discussion in the context of '2° C', a group show on climate change curated and hosted by the Olivier Cornet Gallery on Wednesday, 7th March 2018 @6:30pm (discussion will start at 7 pm sharp).The panel will include, Paul Leech (GAIA ecotecture, moderator); Paddy Woodworth (author, journalist, lecturer and cultural/environmental tour guide); Hugh Cummins, artist; Yanny Petters, artist; Olivier Cornet, curator.This event is free and all are welcome.Venue: Olivier Cornet Gallery3 Great Denmark Street (off Parnell Square)Dublin 1More more info visit:http://